Chrome News Track has released its daily data highlighting the top 10 stories across Hindi News Channels aired yesterday. The latest figures provide insights into audience engagement and consumption trends across various news segments.

The data indicating news stories most watched yesterday, the 21th of May 2024 as featured in the daily CNT Data Track release, were: (Period: 21th May 2024, Time Slot: 12:00 PM – 10:00 PM) 

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Pankaj Krishna, Founder and CEO, Chrome Data Analytics & Media shares latest insights on the scale of CTV in India. “The CTV universe will continue to grow as home internet broadband availability increases in the country. A steady fiber connectivity at home will therefore be the key to more frequent CTV consumption. We observe in our COTT panel that frequent CTV viewers (monthly active) range between 22-26 million devices, and this number has been consistently growing. For recent sporting events like IPL 2024 to date we have seen CTV now reaching more than 13 million devices, indicating the increasing adoption of CTV as a means for long-form content viewership.”

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Chrome News Track has released its daily data highlighting the top 10 stories across Hindi News Channels aired yesterday. The latest figures provide insights into audience engagement and consumption trends across various news segments.

The data indicating news stories most watched yesterday, the 20th of May 2024 as featured in the daily CNT Data Track release, were: (Period: 20th May 2024, Time Slot: 12:00 PM – 10:00 PM) 

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Chrome News Track has released its daily data highlighting the top 10 stories across Hindi News Channels aired yesterday. The latest figures provide insights into audience engagement and consumption trends across various news segments.

The data indicating news stories most watched yesterday, the 19th of May 2024 as featured in the daily CNT Data Track release, were: (Period: 19th May 2024, Time Slot: 12:00 PM – 10:00 PM) 

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Chrome News Track has released its daily data highlighting the top 10 stories across Hindi News Channels aired yesterday. The latest figures provide insights into audience engagement and consumption trends across various news segments.

The data indicating news stories most watched yesterday, the 17th of May 2024 as featured in the daily CNT Data Track release, were: (Period: 17th May 2024, Time Slot: 12:00 PM – 10:00 PM) 

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As per the COTT Annual Report of 2023, the digital revenue for the year stood at an INR 63,200 crore rupees. Within this digital media revenue, totaling in Indian Rupees, there was a significant contribution from various streams with 31,800 crore rupees were generated from AVOD (Advertising-based Video on Demand) and SVOD (Subscription-based Video on Demand) platforms, with AVOD accounting for 21,900 crore rupees and SVOD for 9,900 crore rupees sespectively.

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