Chrome OTT has put out a weekly survey on Indian originals across OTT platforms. The Chrome panel represents 574 million internet users in India that watch shows/web series/movies and is calculated on the basis of a minimum of 10 mins viewing across 24 hours. The results look amazing for India’s favorite OTT platform, ALTBalaji, which is ranked the highest across subscription-based OTT platforms.

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Peter Mukerjea, unarguably one of the finest leaders in Broadcast, Media & Entertainment not just in India but across the world, shares memories and thoughts from a distinguished career at STAR, the company that grew under him after years of perseverance, into the largest broadcaster of India. STAR also became virtually the single largest university where Peter empowered some of the best M&E professionals who later fanned out to manage major enterprises and continue to invigorate all aspects of the M&E sector in India

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In the 6th week of COTT MX Player was the top platform with 27.43 Million unique viewers translating to a reach of 4.78%. In the last week, the Mx player was in the 3rd position with only 2,35% and now it has jumped up to 1st place. The 2nd place is taken by Disney+ Hotstar with 3.49% whereas the 3rd place is taken by Voot with 3.31% followed by Sony Liv with 2.38% and Zee5 with 1.49%.

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